10 November 2014

Would you still love me when i'm no longer young and beautiful?


I am not on about the song by Lana Del Rey (which i love) but i'm meaning we buy all these clothes which are in fashion or like but when you think it will you still love them when they are old and non beautiful but some of the items your wardrobes may still be beautiful. I believe there only one brand which will always be young and beautiful and that is Chanel from there Quilted Bags to there classic jackets. I think it will always be in fashion and look good from a teenagers to the older generation. I don't own nothing Chanel yet but i will you watch this space :) so next time when your in a shop and you go to buy a bag or a top think Will i still love this when its old and un-beautiful?

Lana Del Ray

I know this is quite a sad blog post but at the end of the day we get born,live are lives then die and whilst we go though are lives buying the new it bag or the it sweater or partying with the most fabulous people in 7 stars night clubs,

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